Potential therapeutic effects of herbal drug resveratrol against cancer

Document Type : Review Paper


Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran



Cancer is a major global problem that faces many therapeutic challenges. Drug resistance can be an important problem in cancer treatment with chemotherapy. The use of plant-based compounds that have anti-cancer properties has recently been considered in the fight vs. cancer. One of these compounds is the natural substance resveratrol, which has many biological effects on cancer prevention and cancer treatment. This substance exists in more than 70 plant types, including grapes, peanuts, berries, plums, etc. Resveratrol has had a wide range of pharmacological features in recent years. It seems that this drug combination can be involved in various cellular mechanisms. For example, this compound can affect the molecules involved in the oxidative stress pathway and thus have anti-cancer effects. This compound can also affect molecules involved in the apoptosis pathway, affecting tumors. In addition, this compound has anti-angiogenic properties, which is a clear anti-cancer property. However, Resveratrol could be a suitable candidate in the treatment of cancer. In this review, we describe the therapeutic properties of Resveratrol in cancer based on its molecular mechanisms.

Graphical Abstract

Potential therapeutic effects of herbal drug resveratrol against cancer


  • Resveratrol could be a good candidate for cancer treatment.
  • Resveratrol may overcome cancer by interfering with antioxidant pathways.
  • Resveratrol can interfere with pathways associated with apoptosis.


Main Subjects

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